Jean Louis <> writes: > For private annotations with one can install it on own > server and protect system for one's own group. That will do only a > group that is serious enough or have serious demands for annotations.
> Myself I do not prefer having too much software installed online > especially not databases that are private. What is private I keep off > the Internet. If I wish to communicate over Internet to somebody I > always establish first encrypted line. I have installed inside docker container locally. No serious protection is required in such case (at least, no more than one would use to protect private files from dangerous software like browsers). Public annotations would better be just exported to a public server (automatically or not). > So I am about to develop system to provide annotation to somebody over > Internet, without compromising security of the file or annotation. > > As each hyperdocument has its unique ID, it is easy to expand it into: > > for ID 1234 > > That would be HTML with PDF annotation where user could open PDF > inside of that HTML or click on the PDF to open it. I do hope that > pdfjs does support specific page jumps. And such annotation on HTML > should work with or without Javascript. Those without can simply open > PDF file and manually jump to specific page as annotated and > instructed. I am not sure how it is different from using for the same purpose. Note that uses pdf fingerprinting, so you don't even need to store pdf on server side. If user can open the pdf (obtained from you directly, for example), will automatically show the up-to-date annotations shared via public instance for that particular user. > Then I would inject web server password protection and protect it from > public. But that does not protect the document of those who could > intrude into the server and also does not protect from cracking > attempts as username and password are not alone well secure. Better > would be having the encrypted HTML that is protected by user's private > PGP key, but I have no idea if such technology exists yet. uses OAuth mechanism with fine-grained control over the access to various annotations. Also, one can run it inside encrypted docker container (or even inside virtual machine) reducing the risk if server is compromised.