2020-12-11 Jean Louis wrote:
We have educational business where clients need to be brought to specific references quickly without reading all the book and without opening pages and wasting time. I can tell to staff members to copy 2 configuration files (.xpdfrc and script) in their corresponding target directories or to download them there, and run xpdf with specific key as a function where people press a key and describe or annotate the hyperlink.
Frankly speaking, I have missed you point. I wrote that script evaluating feasibility of getting more context for a quote from a PDF file. If you need to point non-emacs users to particular place in some PDF file, browsers has a button to obtain a link for current view (position, scale). I do not see any problem to open local PDF files in browser. I have not checked however if format of such links is the same for Firefox and Chrome.
As an even better approach, I consider merging of independently stored PDF file and annotations to it and presenting combined file with native PDF annotations. Several years ago I have not find tools for such operations, maybe new projects have appeared since that time.