Hello, I am trying to use the org-sbe macro to compute values in an org table. This results in a (well, actually two, see my other recent email to the mailing list) prompt for execution of the relevant code block. This is unpractical when there are more than an handful of cells to be evaluated.
I have a couple of ideas for improvement. First, I think prompting only once for code blocks evaluated multiple times by org-sbe would make a lot of sense and would make the user experience much better. Second, I think it would be nice to have a way to cache the answer to the code block execution prompt. This could be implemented caching somewhere the answer keyed with an hash of the content of the code block. This should not require many changes to the code. The only thing that is not obvious is how to expire the cache to do not have it grow unbound. What do others think of these approaches? Cheers, Dan