Kyle Meyer <> writes:

> I imagine tastes vary on whether using cl-defstruct here is an overkill.
> (To my eyes, it is.)  More importantly, though, I think changing it now
> means we'd also need a compatibility layer, which doesn't seem worth the
> trouble.

I tried implementing it and realized:

1. It have issues with backwards compatibility (like you mentioned).
There are some workarounds but they add complexity 2. It can make other
things complicated. For example using `assoc' to look things up no longer
works so a lot needs to be updated.

Personally I think it's worth it as it makes things much clearer but I
understand why others may not feel that way and it's not something I
feel strongly enough about to push for.

> Thanks for noticing and for working on a patch.

My pleasure, I've attached a patch to this email.  I put something
together but I wasn't sure how it should be styled/formatted so if
anyone has any suggestions I'd be happy to update it.


>From 87af8fc4a08c8b4b2c9c508d0bad0565c0d10429 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: "Kevin J. Foley" <>
Date: Sun, 18 Oct 2020 21:30:52 -0400
Subject: [PATCH] org-refile.el (org-refile) Add description of RFLOC to

 lisp/org-refile.el | 11 ++++++++++-
 1 file changed, 10 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/lisp/org-refile.el b/lisp/org-refile.el
index 7eb0a9643..4d56f2e9a 100644
--- a/lisp/org-refile.el
+++ b/lisp/org-refile.el
@@ -414,7 +414,16 @@ (defun org-refile (&optional arg default-buffer rfloc msg)
 Beware that keeping refiled entries may result in duplicated ID
-RFLOC can be a refile location obtained in a different way.
+RFLOC can be a refile location obtained in a different way.  It
+should be a list with the following 4 elements:
+1. Name - an identifier for the refile location, typically the
+headline text.
+2. File - the file the refile location is in
+3. nil - Used for generating refile location candidates, not
+needed when passing RFLOC
+4. Position-  the position in the specified file of the
+headline to refile under
 MSG is a string to replace \"Refile\" in the default prompt with
 another verb.  E.g. `org-copy' sets this parameter to \"Copy\".

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