I still read something about org-mode.
It is a complex and powerfull tool. I now try fit/transform my current
workflow and use-cases to org-mode. So maybe you can give me a simple
yes-now if this could be fullfilled with org-mode.
1. Simple notes with keywords and endless time to life
I have notes (most of them as post-its on the wall and monitor in my
office) with information's I am not able or willing to remember. But I
need this information's every few days. e.g. numbers for bank-account,
projects, persons
I find this information's by place (post-it glued to a specific place in
my office). When they are digitized I would use keywords or in-text
search. e.g. searching for the project name "my project" to find its
2.ToDo List without time information's
Currently I use a one-page-paper handwritten as a ToDo List. I re-create
it every week. It helps me. I make priorities with some colors or
underlines. And it (maybe) makes my workload visible to my leaders when
sitting in a meeting and having the ToDo list on the table. ;)
In the past I also tried "taskwarrior". Very powerfull, I loved it. But
it did not fit to my workflow. I know this is apocalyptic and hard to
imagine but deadlines are useless in my workflow. :D So taskwarrior did
not helped be it just build up more pressure to me. Simple explanation:
My work is influenced by to much unknown external spontaneous factors.
It is useless to make plans/deadlines. Yes it is horror, I work on it.
But I am not on that level of the hierarchy to make the fundamental
needed changes.
What do you think?
Do you have any sources that explain org-mode with showing real life