Hello Uwe, Can you test with emacs -Q ?
A 1.6M org file took a little under 7 sec on my computer. It probably depends on the number of minor modes are being loaded, font-lock, auto-completion, etc. I'm afraid I don't know how to profile the opening of a file. Does anybody know a function that would do the profiling like elp-instrument-function for functions? -- HTH Jeremie Juste On Tuesday, 29 Sep 2020 at 21:11, Uwe Brauer wrote: > Hi > > maybe I am just to impatient but on my 8 GB Thinkpad X1 (4gen) to open a > 0.5MB org file takes around 15 sec. > > Any change to speed this up? > > Thanks and regards > > Uwe Brauer >