Hi Org-time-stamp inserts a date as specified in (org-time-stamp-custom-formats '(" %d.%m.%Y " . " %d.%m.%Y %a %H:%M ")) But is inserts the name of the days in English, which variable allows me to change the language? I thought maybe (defun my-set-calendar-deutsch () ;Version:1.190 (interactive) (setq calendar-week-start-day 1 calendar-day-name-array ["Sonntag" "Montag" "Dienstag" "Mittwoch" "Donnerstag" "Freitag" "Samstag"])) But it does not: it steill does <2020-09-06 Sun> What do I miss? Thanks Uwe Brauer
- org-time-stamp in German or Spanish or.... Uwe Brauer
- Re: org-time-stamp in German or Spanish or.... Heinz Tuechler
- Re: org-time-stamp in German or Spanish or.... Uwe Brauer
- Re: org-time-stamp in German or Spanish or.... Heinz Tuechler
- [Some progress] (was: org-time-stamp in Ge... Uwe Brauer
- Re: [Some progress] Heinz Tuechler
- Re: [Some progress] Uwe Brauer
- Re: org-time-stamp in German or Spanish or.... Stefan Nobis
- Re: org-time-stamp in German or Spanish or.... Uwe Brauer
- Re: org-time-stamp in German or Spanish or.... Stefan Nobis