Hi Shankar,

Detailed comments are up for Kyle, or someone more qualified than myself, but I leave one further comment regarding the suggestion I had made.

On Wed, 24 Jun 2020 at 09:53, Shankar Rao <shankar....@gmail.com> wrote:

I agree that adding this functionality as additional options to
org-hide-emphasis-markers would be more intuitive and elegant for users, as
they wouldn't have to perform  (add-hook 'org-mode
#'org-auto-emphasis-mode) in order to enable this mode. I didn't implement it this way first because I wanted to make the simplest, least disruptive way possible, and secondly because I didn't quite know how to implement it
:-). As you can see in the patch, besides the additional functions and
variables, my code only modifies one preexisting org function, replacing
four lines with my new eight lines.

To implement this functionality in the way Gustavo suggests, we would have
to for all users add org-auto-emphasis--post-command-hook to
post-command-hook, and modify it so that it only operates when
org-hide-emphasis-markers is 'not-at-point or 'not-at-point-right-edge. I can try to implement this if you think it would be a good idea, but I have one concern. Even if a user is not interested in org-auto-emphasis-mode, this implementation would add a small amount of code to post-command-hook,
so would have the effect of slightly slowing down their system.

You have a good point here. When I made the suggestion I was naively thinking the featured could be plugged/hooked somewhere in Org, when fontification is done. But that's not really true, as the feature requires being run every time the point moves too. So, as far as I can tell, it seems using post-command-hook is unavoidable, and if so, you are right in not wanting to add some load to it for everyone, regardless of whether they want this feature or not. You and Kyle have me convinced here.

And thanks again!


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