Gustavo Barros writes:

> Just an user here, but I'd like to leave my +1 to this proposed feature.
> [...]

Thanks.  That's very useful feedback.

> I can add another thought on the matter.  While prettify-symbols is a
> mode, org-hide-emphasis-markers is an option/variable.  So I wonder if
> the feature would fit better the current state of things in Org as
> either another option/defcustom or by simply expanding the range of
> possible values for org-hide-emphasis-markers (e.g. t, nil,
> not-at-point, not-at-point-right-edge).  But this is just a thought, I'd
> be happy to see this feature be included either way.

Hmm, yeah, that's worth thinking about.  I mentioned eliminating the
org-auto-emphasis-unhide-at-point option, but I didn't consider doing it
by absorbing the values into org-hide-emphasis-markers and dropping the
mode.  Given what org-auto-emphasis-mode does underneath, though, it
does fit quite neatly into a minor mode toggle.

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