
Dominik Schrempf <dominik.schre...@gmail.com> writes:

> I am using a global keybinding for =M-q=, so that I can fill and unfill
> paragraphs with one key stroke (unfill.el):
> : (global-set-key (kbd "s-q") 'unfill-toggle)
> For a long time, I thought that =fill-paragraph= was broken in Org mode, 
> because
> it doesn't work well on code blocks, on lists, and on many other things [1].
> Just now, I realized that Org mode uses a specialized version of
> `fill-paragraph`, called `org-fill-paragraph`.
> Hence, the aforementioned global key binding breaks behavior in Org mode,
> although the function =unfill-toggle= is just a wrapper around
> =fill-paragraph=.

You could detect if you're in an Org document beforehand.
`org-fill-paragraph' obeys to `fill-column'.

> Is it necessary to have the specialized function =org-fill-paragraph=? Is it
> possible to use the canonical =fill-paragraph=?

There is `fill-paragraph-function', but it only kicks when no region is
selected. Using it would break region filling. There is also
`fill-forward-paragraph-function', but I think it is too limited.

In a nutshell, I didn't find any way to fill correctly Org documents
using `fill-paragraph' mechanism. So I wrote the current implementation
of `org-fill-paragraph', which is a wrapper around `org-fill-element'.


Nicolas Goaziou

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