
When I eval `(org-icalendar-combine-agenda-files nil)`, it takes about 15 

Some strange messages in the *Messages* buffer include:

22 files scanned, 7 files contains IDs and in total 23 IDs found.

But my `org-agenda-files` variable only contains 12 files and no #+INCLUDE 

There are also several dozen lines of

org-babel-exp process sh at position 74770...
org-babel-exp process sh at position 74830...
org-babel-exp process sh at position 75147...
org-babel-exp process sqlite at position 27700...
org-babel-exp process sqlite at position 27704...
org-babel-exp process sh at position 27604...
org-babel-exp process sh at position 27617...
org-babel-exp process sh at position 27691...
org-babel-exp process translate at position 27970...

(and with bash, python, emacs-lisp, and other languages). When I view for 
example the only #BEGIN_SRC translate block in any of my files it is just a 
test in my notes file:

#+BEGIN_SRC translate :src en :dest da
This is a test

I cannot eval it with C-c C-c because I have set ":eval no" system-wide with:

  (setq org-babel-default-header-args
        (cons '(:eval . "no")
              (assq-delete-all :eval org-babel-default-header-args)))

Sometimes the Messages contain confirmation that a code block is disabled:

org-babel-exp process plantuml at position 27719...
Evaluation of this plantuml code block is disabled.
org-babel-exp process plantuml at position 27762...
Evaluation of this plantuml code block is disabled.

But those blocks don't have any special header:

#+begin_src plantuml :file tryout.png
...misc plantuml code here.

Can anyone offer suggestions why it reports scanning 22 files, and how to speed 
it up since no code should be evaluated?

Thank you,


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