Am Wed, 20 May 2020 10:22:56 +0100
schrieb Eric S Fraga <>:

> On Tuesday, 19 May 2020 at 18:57, Russell Adams wrote:
> > My personal opinion is I'd always prefer to use my mail client over
> > some website.   
> +∞!

How to add more now? Same here. Mail is functionally superior to a lot
of modern solutions.

A Bugtracker you do not use on a regular basis often is a horrible time sink.
Plus, most of the time you need just another account for a site you
never wanted an account on. 

Furthermore many of the discussions on this list wouldn't have happend,
if the first post went into a bugtracker. 

I would go as far as saying *this list* is one of the fastest reacting
amd friendliest communities I have been part of. The job Nicolas does is
just awesome.

That leads to the next point: If Nicolas decided *he* would love to work
with a bugtracker, I would not complain and open an account.
As it is now, anything that's not in the best interest of our benevolent
developer, should not even be considered :-)

Just my opinion, of course


> There are some communities that I would love to participate in but do
> not because they use, for instance, discourse which has a horrible
> email interface.  And their web interface cannot be used via eww, for
> instance.
> In any case, strictly speaking, some org issues could be submitted via
> Emacs's own bug tracker, at least for the version of org that comes
> with Emacs?

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