Hi Kyle,
thanks a lot for your workaround! I just tested it and it almost does what I am 
looking for.
The only thing that does not work is to give a range of time, i.e. 10:00-12:00. 
And looking at your code it is clear, that this cannot work because neither 
"%t" nor "%T" can do this. 

I guess in the long run, it would make sense to adapt the template expansion 
"%t" to behave like the function "org-time-stamp". 
Such an adaption would create more consistent behaviour for org users and does 
not break any former usage.

I checked the the part in org-capture.el and it looks like this 
((or "t" "T" "u" "U")
                     ;; These are the date/time related ones.
                     (let* ((upcase? (equal (upcase key) key))
                            (org-end-time-was-given nil)
                            (time (org-read-date upcase? t nil prompt)))
                        time (or org-time-was-given upcase?)
                        (member key '("u" "U"))
                        nil nil (list org-end-time-was-given))))

But unfortunately, I am not an elisp programmer and I cannot do the adaption 
I am sorry for that.

Once more, thanks.

Gesendet: Mittwoch, 20. Mai 2020 um 06:02 Uhr
Von: "Kyle Meyer" <k...@kyleam.com>
An: "Nils Schween" <nils.schw...@web.de>
Cc: emacs-orgmode@gnu.org
Betreff: Re: Capture Template Diary Entry: file+datetree+prompt use the 
prompted timestamp including the time when time is specified
Nils Schween writes:

> ("d" "Diary entry" entry (file+datetree+prompt 
> "~/MPIK-Nextcloud/emacs/.org/kalender.org")
> "* %i%?\n %T")
> And it works as expected: When calling the capture template, I am prompted 
> for a
> date and I can also type a time, and on saving everything is stored at the
> correct location in the datetree. Perfect. But in case I do not enter a time,
> 00:00 is inserted. This is unfortunate. Okay, I can replace "%T" in the 
> template
> with "%t", but then any specification of time is ignored.
> Instead, I would love to mimic the behaviour of the function 
> "org-time-stamp". Calling it
> prompts for a date, and if I do not specify a time, only the date is inserted.
> In case I specify a time or a range (i.e. 10:00-12:00) the timestamp is
> supplemented with this additional information.
> I tried a lot to get the desired behaviour by testing variants of the 
> following
> combination of org-mode functions and variables.
> %(org-insert-time-stamp (org-read-date nil t org-read-date-final-answer) t)
> I was not able to produce what I wanted.
> Does anyone have a workaround or an idea how I could implement the described 
> and
> wished behaviour? Thanks.

I'm not aware of any built-in way to do what you want. For either
implementing or working around, org-capture-set-target-location and
org-capture-fill-template are the two places you'd probably want to
look. As a start of a hacky workaround, with an entry like

("d" "Diary entry" entry (file+datetree "/tmp/scratch.org")
"* %i%?\n %T" :time-prompt t)

you should be able to get the time/no time behavior you're after with

(advice-add 'org-capture-fill-template :around
(lambda (fn &optional template &rest args)
(let ((template (and (not org-time-was-given)
"%T" "%t"
(org-capture-get :template) t))))
(apply fn template args)))
'((name . "org-capture-hack")))

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