Kaushal Modi writes:

> At some point in the past month or so, I have noticed that on Org master,
> #+author: does not set the author to empty in the exports.
> Simply example to reproduce:

Thanks for the minimal example.

> I looked through the commits on master in the past month, but I don't see
> any author-specific change that would affect *all* the exporter backends.

It bisects to b4e91b7e9 (New function: org-collect-keywords,
2020-04-26).  I haven't done much digging, but I was able to restore the
behavior with the change below, which may be a bad idea for other

diff --git a/lisp/org.el b/lisp/org.el
index 0e1e05239..a8db4c2bf 100644
--- a/lisp/org.el
+++ b/lisp/org.el
@@ -4501,7 +4501,6 @@ (defun org--collect-keywords-1 (keywords uniques files 
                          (push (cons key value) alist)
                          (setq keywords (remove key keywords))
                          (setq regexp (org-make-options-regexp keywords)))
-                        ((not (org-string-nw-p value)) nil)
                         ((null entry) (push (list key value) alist))
                         (t (push value (cdr entry)))))))))))

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