> On Mar 31, 2020, at 12:23 PM, Matt Price <mopto...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm completely new to R.
> I've started working with a project that creates plots using the ggplot
> package -- so by default it creates grid objects, rather than writing to
> files.
> In rmarkdown/rstudio, I can write something like this in a SOMEFILE.Rmd :
> ```
> install_github('eeholmes/CoV19')
> library(CoV19)
> getdata();
> plot4(world, 'Ontario Canada')
> plot2(world, 'Italy')
> plot4(states, "WA")
> ```
> I sort of love how the rmarkdown package will just create all 3 of those
> plots, save them to auto-named files, and render to HTML.
Actually, this is knitr (which rmarkdown Imports) at work. There are options
as to how knitr will handle multiple plots in a chunk as described in
(which include `fig.show="animate"' to create an animation based on multiple
So this applies to various filetypes in addition to *.Rmd (*.Rnw, for one).
> In RStudio, running just that block will also create all three blocks and
> display them in the editor.
> By contrast, creating a series of many plots in org is fairly tedious. I
> have to name the plot individually & put each function call in its own src
> block. Is there any way to mimic the behaviour of rmarkdown instead? I odn't
> understand babel or R enough to really even see how something like that could
> be implemented, but I'd appreciate some pointers. Thank you!
Getting babel to handle this seamlessly would be a significant effort.
You can use ox-ravel (https://github.com/chasberry/orgmode-accessories.git) to
export to *.Rmd and then render the result. However, that does not have the
interactivity of `org-babel-execute-src-block' and does not insert the graphics
into the *.org file.
I suppose that a function could be created to narrow to the src block, export
it as *.Rmd to a buffer, run that buffer as the `text' arg of knitr::knit, then
add links for the png's back to the *.org file. I haven't thought much about
this - getting this to work in a simple case would not be too hard, but there
may be a can of worms that this approach opens.