I'm completely new to R.

I've started working with a project that creates plots using the ggplot
package -- so by default it creates grid objects, rather than writing to

In rmarkdown/rstudio, I can write something like this in a SOMEFILE.Rmd :

plot4(world, 'Ontario Canada')
plot2(world, 'Italy')
plot4(states, "WA")

I sort of love how the rmarkdown package will just create all 3 of those
plots, save them to auto-named files, and render to HTML.  In RStudio,
running just that block will also create all three blocks and display them
in the editor.

By contrast, creating a series of many plots in org is fairly tedious.  I
have to name the plot individually & put each function call in its own src
block. Is there any way to mimic the behaviour of rmarkdown instead? I
odn't understand babel or R enough to really even see how something like
that could be implemented, but I'd appreciate some pointers.  Thank you!

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