I have searched high and low through my init/config and I can't find where orgmode is suppressing the display of leading asterisks of headings. I've got org-hide-leading-stars set to nil -- but it turns itself back on whenever I open an org file. I can start a clean, blank org file (no #+STARTUP hidestars/showstars) and create a few headings -- to see, once again, the leading stars suppressed. My org-bullets is commented out in init-land. I try an emacs -Q and of course I have leading stars on sub-headings, however deep. Yes, it's something in my init/config, but I just can't find what's suppressing leading stars.
The whole reason I'm trying to do this is I'm tinkering with babel SML and whenever I have a code block under a heading -- depending on the depth of the heading -- the SML code block can be mis-justified. And if I promote/demote the heading around with M-<right/left arrow> the SML code alignment dances around depending on the depth. I can do C-c ' and the alignment is perfect; but come back the org file and it's wonky. So if I set up an SML babel environment in an emacs -Q environment -- with leading starts -- no problem. This is maddening, to say the least. I need to turn off suppression or figure out why suppressed stars and babel SML blocks don't mix. LB