
Jörg Hagmann <joerg.hagm...@unibas.ch> writes:

> Thanks. I presently have "table of contents" turned off, and I dont
> want the same in a different language. 

Did you try to customize the variable org-export-language-setup, as I
suggested? The variable allows you to change the name of the "Table of
Contents" header *for* any given language (see full instructions below).

> What I want is something like "On this page", because otherwise users
> think they are dealing with links to other pages and, depending on
> where exactly the "table of contents" link points to, nothing may
> happen (when the page is short, the pointed to link is already visible
> etc.). Then they think it didn't work.
> I tried to change "Table of contents" in the language section of the
> file "org-exp.el", but that didn't do it.
> But from your answer I guess that there is no customization for what I
> want?

On the contrary, org-export-language-setup is exactly what enables you
to customize the table of contents line. Simply type:

M-x customize-variable RET org-export-language-setup

Then, if you are publishing your websites in English, change the line
that reads "Table of Contents" to "On this page." (Or, change the table
of contents line for the language you are using.)

I just did this and got the following table of contents header in my
html export:

| <div id="table-of-contents">
| <h2>On this page</h2>

- Matt

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