Rainer Hansen <rainer.han...@gmx.net> writes:

> thanks for the tip but it does not seem to work. All columns seem to
> be filled with values except of the Estim colum. There are no values
> displayed.
> I have done the clocking manually without the help of Org-Mode. The
> values in my case are actually no estimates but rather the clocked
> values. Now I want to sum them up to see how many hours I have spent
> on the project.

Unless you enter your clocked time as a property, org columns will not
be able to do anything with it.

Your best bet, however, would be to use org-mode's excellent clocking
functionality (see description below).

>> > I am new to Org-Mode and I have written a number of project tasks in the
>> > following form:
>> >
>> > * Project
>> > ** Task 1
>> >  <2009-03-19 Thu 13:15-13:35>
>> >  Description of Task 1
>> > ** Task 2
>> >  <2009-03-18 Wed 12:15-13:35>
>> >  Description of Task 2
>> > ** Task 3
>> >   SCHEDULED: <2009-03-11 Wed 19:55-21:45> CLOSED: [2009-03-12 Thu 23:29]
>> >   Result of Task 3
>> >
>> > For task 3 the time calculated should be 2009-03-11 19:55-21:45 that mean
>> > 1:50 hours.
>> >
>> > I have quite a number of items and I wonder if there is an easy way to
>> > sum up all the time spent on the project (similar to what you can do with
>> > clocked items)?     

What you have done above is scheduled the tasks to occupy certain time
intervals in your agenda/planner. E.g., Task 1 is scheduled on March 11
from 19:55 to 21:45.

This is *not* the same thing as clocking time spent working on an item.
As far as I know, org-mode cannot calculate time totals based on the
SCHEDULED timestamps.

To log items you will need to clock in on a headling using C-c C-x C-i
and clock out using C-c C-x C-o. Org mode will then create a clock line
listing starting time, ending time, and total time spent.

See this section of the manual for more information:


>> Anyhow, you can set org-columns-default-format, e.g.:
>> --8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
>> (setq org-columns-default-format "%TODO %60ITEM(Task)
>> %5Effort(Estim){:} %5CLOCKSUM(Clock)")
>> --8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---

The clocksum in Manish's example will add the the total time logged via
the method I have described above. 

Estimated effort is a special property that you would need to enter
yourself for each item. (But it sounds as if you are not really
interested in that.)

Hope this helps.


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