> On Monday 06 April 2009 19:37:07 Manish wrote:
    >> On Mon, Apr 6, 2009 at 6:05 PM, Rainer Hansen wrote:
    >> > Hi,
    >> >
    >> > I am new to Org-Mode and I have written a number of project
tasks in the
    >> > following form:
    >> >
    >> > * Project
    >> > ** Task 1
    >> > <2009-03-19 Thu 13:15-13:35>
    >> > Description of Task 1
    >> > ** Task 2
    >> > <2009-03-18 Wed 12:15-13:35>
    >> > Description of Task 2
    >> > ** Task 3
    >> >  SCHEDULED: <2009-03-11 Wed 19:55-21:45> CLOSED: [2009-03-12 Thu 23:29]
    >> >  Result of Task 3
    >> >
    >> > For task 3 the time calculated should be 2009-03-11
19:55-21:45 that mean
    >> > 1:50 hours.
    >> >
    >> > I have quite a number of items and I wonder if there is an easy way to
    >> > sum up all the time spent on the project (similar to what you
can do with
    >> > clocked items)?
    >> You mean "time meant to be spent" on the project, right? ;-) Since the
    >> actual time
    >> spent should be clocked.
    >> Anyhow, you can set org-columns-default-format, e.g.:
    >> --8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
    >> (setq org-columns-default-format "%TODO %60ITEM(Task)
    >> %5Effort(Estim){:} %5CLOCKSUM(Clock)")
    >> --8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---
    >> Then switch to column view using C-c C-x C-c. Effort column
should reflect
    >> the totals for the time you planned to spend on the tasks in the top most
    >> line.

  On Tue, Apr 7, 2009 at 1:44 AM, Rainer Hansen wrote:
  > Hi Manish,
  > thanks for the tip but it does not seem to work. All columns seem
to be filled
  > with values except of the Estim colum. There are no values displayed.
  > I have done the clocking manually without the help of Org-Mode.
The values in
  > my case are actually no estimates but rather the clocked values. Now I want
  > to sum them up to see how many hours I have spent on the project.

Unless the values are in the format that Org uses to clock time spent on tasks
it will not be able to process it.  In future you can start and stop the clock
with point on the task and pressing C-c C-x C-i and C-c C-x C-o respectively
while in Org file or using I and O while in agenda view.  See
http://orgmode.org/manual/Clocking-work-time.html#Clocking-work-time for

Since you have already worked and noted the times, you will again have to do
some more manual work to get what you want from Org.  You will need to add a
LOGBOOK drawer beneath every task you want to record time for - you can either
copy-paste or can try C-c C-x p to add the drawer.  Then you can add the time
periods like shown below.  A quick way would be to just clock in and out of
task so as to get clock lines there and either manually edit the times or use
magical Shift-up or Shift-down to adjust the clock lines.  You can press C-c
C-y on the clock line in case you manually edit the time to recompute the

| * A Task
|   CLOCK: [2009-04-07 Tue 02:30]--[2009-04-07 Tue 03:00] =>  0:30
|   CLOCK: [2009-04-07 Tue 01:00]--[2009-04-07 Tue 02:00] =>  1:00
|   :END:

Once you have clocked times like this then you can get the total for the time
spent under CLOCKSUM column in column view or you can get a report in the
agenda file itself with clocktable report (C-c C-x C-r).


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