Hi --

> I'm still wondering how to do several things... like this one:
> regarding a headline, it is possible to clock the amount of time
> you worked on it. But sometimes, you also need to record some
> other information related to that time block, for example, the
> distance you had to drive to go to the meeting or some costs
> (like parking costs) that you had to pay for it.
> Example:
> * Project1
>   ** Meetings
>      :LOGBOOK:
>      CLOCK: [2009-03-02 mon. 10:00]--[2009-03-02 mon. 12:30] =>  2:30
>             ----> 15 kilometers
>      CLOCK: [2009-03-03 tue. 09:30]--[2009-03-03 tue. 12:30] =>  3:00
>             ----> 15 kilometers + 12,00 EUR
>      :END:
> Is there a way to record this information? If not, what is your
> advice?

Check out the variable "org-log-note-clock-out". Set it to t and it
you'll be asked for a note each time you clock out. The note is
recorded just after the time block.

John Rakestraw

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