Bastien <> writes:

> Hi Sharon,
> Sharon Kimble <> writes:
>> So how can I either remove it, or negate its showing its effects in
>> every org-mode file please?
> Can you use `org-mode-hook' to deactivate whatever is getting in your way?

Thanks for replying.

I actually solved it after I'd emailed you ... I had a file containing
50+ org-mode links to various files, documents, and shell scripts. Once
I'd dumped it out of emacs, everything suddenly worked as normal! My
final thoughts on it is that wc-mode was trying to count the number of
words and stuff in all of the files after following the links!

A taste of linux =
TGmeds =
DrugFacts =
Debian 10.2, fluxbox 1.3.7, emacs 26.3, org 9.3.2

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