On Sat, Jan 4, 2020 at 19:58 Steven Penny <svnp...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Sat, Jan 4, 2020 at 6:45 PM Trey Ethan Harris wrote:
> > Uh... that’s an HTML file—this is the emacs-orgmode mailing list.
> My original post:
> https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/emacs-orgmode/2019-12/msg00422.html
> was, and is still on topic. Yet you found a way to make 4 posts without
> addressing the original post directly.

I literally included the link mentioned in your first post in my example
Org file to address the question of whether it would cause horizontal
scrolling. I couldn’t more directly address the original post without
inventing new syntax for software that doesn’t exist.

> > And viewing that page as rendered HTML in a browser, there’s no
> horizontal
> > scrolling I see (and doesn’t appear to be with your styles as rendered at
> > https://cup.github.io/autumn/append-to-array/).
> You should perhaps respond to what ive actually said, rather than what you
> think
> im saying. Again this page here:
> https://github.com/cup/autumn/blob/master/docs/append-to-array/index.html
> is an example of GitHub not wrapping and requiring horizontal scrolling.

...and which, again, has nothing to do with Org whatsoever—it’s simply an
existence proof that GitHub sometimes does horizontal scrolling, which is
entirely irrelevant to anything having anything to do with Org. (If you
make your browser window narrow enough or use a phone, even the RST,
asciiDoc and other examples you gave will horizontal-scroll, too!)

> > I was asking for an example of an Org mode file showing the issue that’s
> > concerning you, not just proof that GitHub sometimes does horizontal
> scrolling.
> again, see original post for example problem:
> https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/emacs-orgmode/2019-12/msg00422.html

You said you want to “deal with” long links in Org. But your example HTML
file linked to has nothing to do with Org syntax AFAICT—it’s just a file
that happens to horizontally scroll when viewed as source on GitHub.

None of those links in your first post have any Org syntax in them. And
it’s not what the links point to—they are about JavaScript. Org syntax has
nothing to do with JavaScript.

The links as given in the original post *themselves* are long—so I assumed
that was the point. But as I showed, that doesn’t matter in how they’re
displayed in Emacs if you select the right display mode; and that doesn’t
matter in how they’re displayed on GitHub in an Org file (again, I used
exactly the very link you started the just-linked-to post with in my Org

> > In any case, there will be no single solution to this—any ox library for
> Org
> > export you use will have to be modified if they don’t handle line-breaks
> the
> > way you want.
> it seems you didnt even read all the responses, some good suggestions were
> posted here:
> https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/emacs-orgmode/2019-12/msg00423.html

I absolutely did read that—I read the entire thread before responding since
it seemed that none of he suggestions thus far had actually worked.

GitHub doesn’t deal with the “good suggestions” correctly, so I didn’t
include them in my first Gist posted. I tried them first—I not only did
read the mail you’re claiming I didn’t, I wrote a new Org file to test the
suggestions within before posting anything. But here’s a Gist displaying a
rendered Org file using those “good suggestions”:


It doesn’t handle the link correctly, and, if you make it long enough on a
given line, the bare sliced-in-twain URL you must cut and paste and remove
spaces from if you want to use the URL will still horizontally scroll.

Since it doesn’t work on GitHub—which is where you said you published to
and care about—I’m mystified on how it’s a “good suggestion” where my
syntax is not. (No disrespect meant to Nicolas at all—they *were* good
suggestions, insofar as they were worth trying. But I tried them.)

I answered suggesting a different course because I thought you cared about
how it actually displayed, not how it might display if the software worked
differently than it does.

The other “good suggestion” was link abbreviations. My Gist given above
gives one of those as well, and that one, GitHub doesn’t even make any
attempt at—it just displays it as plain text.

Note: if GitHub did deal with these “good suggestions” correctly, it would
display just “lastIndexOf”—just like my Gist does in its first hyperlink,
except mine says “long link” where that says “lastIndexOf”. But yet
apparently that working example is *not* a “good suggestion”, though,
compared to the ones that don’t work. (If you generally find examples that
don’t work acceptable, you can just insert {{{dwim}}} into any place in
your file you want a link, and it’ll do what you mean, whatever that is. It
works great on every implementation that supports it!)

If you are being incredibly clear and I’m being incredibly obtuse,
fine—I’ll drop it and someone who can divine what the heck you’re asking
for can respond instead. Or, you can continue attacking me for not reading
what you wrote when I literally included quoted material from you in a file
I published to illustrate the issue. Be my guest.

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