At the end you can find a cut down version of an org-mode file I am using to generate some beamer slides. This works as written, but it feels clumsy to use two src blocks for every snippet. I have tried putting the <<include/animal-type.rkt>> in the main src block, but this either generates a blank line or if I delete the newline after >>, the export looks fine but the source is ugly to edit.
Any better ideas for how to do this? In case it's not clear, I want include files in my tangled output that don't show in the beamer export. Please CC me with any replies, I'm not on the list. #+STARTUP: beamer #+OPTIONS: toc:nil #+PROPERTY: header-args :noweb strip-export :shebang "#lang plait" :tangle-mode (identity #o644) #+BEGIN_SRC plait :tangle tangled.rkt :export none <<include/animal-type.rkt>> #+END_SRC #+BEGIN_SRC plait :tangle tangled.rkt #;(Snake 10 'Slimey 5) ; => compile error: 10 is not a Symbol (Snake? (Snake 'Slimey 10 'rats)) ; => #t (Snake? (Tiger 'Tony 12)) ; => #t ;(Snake? 10) ; => compile error #+END_SRC #+NAME: include/animal-type.rkt #+BEGIN_SRC plait :export none (define-type Animal [Snake (name : Symbol) (weight : Number) (food : Symbol)] [Tiger (name : Symbol) (weight : Number)]) #+END_SRC