Hi Adam, > -----Original Message----- > From: Emacs-orgmode <emacs-orgmode-bounces+gustav=whil...@gnu.org> On > Behalf Of Adam Porter > Sent: den 15 december 2019 12:01 > To: emacs-orgmode@gnu.org > Subject: Re: [Idea] Org Collections > > How does this idea compare with Akira Komamura's org-starter package? > > https://github.com/akirak/org-starter
Haven't looked much at that project before. Interesting, but not quite what I have in mind here. That project seems like a transpose of Org mode configurations into something that is file centric. If I play with the thought of Org collections already being available then I think org-starter could use that concept to, in a file centric way, declare if a file belongs to one or multiple collections instead of (or as a complement to...) belonging to the (default) Org agenda. Thanks for the pointer Gustav