Hi, I reached a strange bug, I hope you can reproduce it too
I want to track changes on TODO and I have in the beginning of my buffer: #+TODO: TODO(t!) PLANNED(p!) DOING(d!) VERIFY(v) EXPLAIN(e) | DONE(d!) which means that TODO, PLANEED, DOING and DONE will have a report of change in the same header [0] If I have the number of TODOs like [6/45] (6 DONE, 45 in TODO) is not working (see [1] for my example) If I quit that expression, it works, that could be the case when I do a subheader from a header without that brackets [2] I hope this example is illustrative [1]. The header that says "this fails" if I change the state, it reports tracking state in the parent header with wrong information "state TODO from TODO". It fails because the parent has the bracket thing. If the parent of the parent has bracket thing it reports to "the parent of the parent", so it is weird :/ The header that says "this works" changes from states correctly because parent does not have the brackets I hope you can reproduce the bug on your own I'm using orgmode version 9.3 let me if I can help with the bug reporting Cheers, pinmacs [0] https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/org/Tracking-TODO-state-changes.html [1] *** TODO <2019-12-07 Sat> [6/45] :today: - State "TODO" from "TODO" [2019-12-07 Sat 22:58] - State "TODO" from "TODO" [2019-12-07 Sat 22:58] - State "TODO" from "TODO" [2019-12-07 Sat 22:57] - State "TODO" from "TODO" [2019-12-07 Sat 22:57] - State "TODO" from "TODO" [2019-12-07 Sat 22:57] - State "TODO" from "TODO" [2019-12-07 Sat 22:57] **** DONE this fails ***** DONE this works OK - State "DONE" from "EXPLAIN" [2019-12-07 Sat 22:58] - State "DOING" from "PLANNED" [2019-12-07 Sat 22:58] - State "PLANNED" from "TODO" [2019-12-07 Sat 22:58] - State "TODO" from [2019-12-07 Sat 22:58] [2] as you can see in the following 2 links: - https://orgmode.org/manual/Breaking-down-tasks.html#Breaking-down-tasks - https://orgmode.org/manual/Checkboxes.html#Checkboxes