
I tend to have everything within larger Org mode file. Therefore, I
mostly rely on export settings I'm able to control via PROPERTY
drawer values instead of file-based methods. Most of the time, there
is always a property version as well as a file-based version for

For LaTeX export, I'd love to use ::LATEX_HEADER: instead of
file-based settings with #+LATEX_HEADER.

Is there a reason why this important variable is not available as


get mail|git|SVN|photos|postings|SMS|phonecalls|RSS|CSV|XML into Org-mode:
       > get Memacs from https://github.com/novoid/Memacs <
Personal Information Management > http://Karl-Voit.at/tags/pim/
Emacs-related > http://Karl-Voit.at/tags/emacs/

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