Jude DaShiell <jdash...@panix.com> writes: > Will mobile org work in Android PI? If not, any good alternatives beyond > orgsly available? I don't like to have to use dropbox and would like to > plug a usb cord into my computer and synchtronize my orgmode files that > way if possible.
I saw this recently, and haven't seen it mentioned on the list: https://organice.200ok.ch/ Here's an intro video: https://invidio.us/watch?v=aQKc0hcFXCk It's a browser-based interface rather than an app, so it should work just about anywhere. It doesn't solve the syncing problem itself; instead it allows you to sign in with Dropbox, Google Drive, or WebDAV. Still not great if you're trying to avoid the proprietary services and sync with a cable, but it looks like an interesting alternative to Orgzly. -- Best, Richard