Carsten Dominik <> writes:
> On Mar 30, 2009, at 4:46 PM, David Engster wrote:
>> Thanks for the clarification. This is a bit confusing, since sorting
>> by priority works in the todo list, but sorting with date does
>> not. Also, since I call the function 'org-agenda', it is a bit
>> unexpected that when I press 't' afterwards I don't really get an
>> agenda but a TODO list, which seems to behave differently in some
>> aspects from the normal agenda view I get when pressing 'a'.
> Yes, this is bad terminology, which evolved historically.
> "org-agenda" is a dispatcher for the different views that we call
> "agenda views".
> One of the "agenda views" is the global todo list (on `t'), another
> one is the "daily/weekly agenda" (on `'a), which is a list of what is
> due today or this week.
>  I always try to call it explicitly
> "daily/weekly agenda" to avoid some of that confusion, but I agree, if
> I'd get a chance to start again I would use better terms.  Now these
> are so engrained in our mailing list culture and into tutorials etc
> that I do not dare to change them anymore.

Thank you for the explanation. Maybe this situation could be cleared up
a bit in the manual. While browsing through chapter 10, I got the
impression that the different views are just different filters, but that
I'm always dealing with the same agenda mode, where each entry carries
the same information.

Maybe one could explicitly mention which commands and sorting strategies
only apply to the daily/weekly agenda? I'd also say that the doc-string
of org-agenda-sorting-strategy does not make this point clear enough.

> Yes can use the text property on a, `org-hd-marker', which is a marker
> pointing to the original location of the item.  You can make your
> function go back to get this information.
> For example with
>  (org-entry-get (get-text-property 0 'org-hd-marker a) "SCHEDULED")

I will try that. Thank you for your help!


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