Hello all,

I posted the following message in StackOverflow (https://emacs.stackexchange.com/q/51800/9245):

   I try to change the style of src code blocks export with odt
   exporter but it does not work as expected.

   I first exported my orgĀ  file to an odt document. Then I changed the
   style of *OrgSrcBlock* (red background) and saved my document as a
   template file (let's say |mystyle.odt|).

   Finally I added |#+ODT_STYLES_FILE: "mystyle.odt"| in the org file
   and re-exported but nothing changed in the resulting odt document.

   I tried the same procedure for the OrgTile style and it works as
   expected (the style is correctly applied in the resulting odt document).

   I'm using Org mode version 9.2.4.

I had no clear answer and I wonder if this is a normal behavior of if it could be a bug in the odt exporter. The behavior is the same with Org mode version 9.2.5. I attached a set of files (org file, style file, exported file) to illustrate the problem.


* Code 

#+name: test
#+begin_src python :results output :exports both
print("First Line")
print("Second Line")

#+RESULTS: test
: First Line
: Second Line

* Config                                   :noexport:

#+options: toc:nil
#+Title: Test ODT exporter
#+ODT_STYLES_FILE: "mystyle.odt"

Attachment: mystyle.odt
Description: application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text

Attachment: codeml.odt
Description: application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text

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