On Sun, Mar 29, 2009 at 7:55 AM, Eraldo Helal wrote:
  > Similar to the variable: org-todo-state-tags-triggers // triggers
  > <tags> on|off when <state> gets active...
  > Is there also something that triggers my tag menu when a <state>
  > gets active.
  > Example: When NEXT (todo state) gets active ...I get prompted for
  > one of my context tags (radio group menu: @home(h), @errands(e),
  > etc).
  > It's not a matter of speed... but rather a way to make sure I
  > never forget to give my next actions a context as well!

May be org-trigger-hook [1] can be made to trigger
org-set-tags-command function somehow when state changes to NEXT?
Sorry I do not know enough elisp to be able to code that.


1. http://orgmode.org/worg/org-configs/org-hooks.php#sec-1.12

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