* Eric Abrahamsen <e...@ericabrahamsen.net> [2019-08-03 23:33]: > time I'm actually starting to feel comfortable with sql.
I am using skeleton to quickly create SQL definitions. Now imagine `contacts', `accounts', `countries', etc. It works fast. (define-skeleton cf-sql-table "Prepare the SQL table for Central Files database design" nil " -- ------------------------------------------ -- ------------ Table " (setq table (skeleton-read "Table name: ")) " -- ------------------------------------------ DROP SEQUENCE " table "_id_seq; CREATE TABLE " table " ( " table "_id SERIAL NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, " table "_datecreated TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP NOT NULL, " table "_datemodified TIMESTAMP, " table "_usercreated TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT current_user, " table "_usermodified TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT current_user, " table "_name TEXT, " table "_title TEXT, " table "_description TEXT, " table "_ TEXT ); GRANT ALL ON " table " TO PUBLIC; DROP VIEW " table "_combo; CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW " table "_combo AS SELECT " table "_id AS id, " table "_name AS TEXT FROM " table "; GRANT SELECT ON " table "_combo TO PUBLIC; COMMENT ON TABLE " table " IS '" (capitalize table) "'; COMMENT ON COLUMN " table "." table "_id IS 'ID'; COMMENT ON COLUMN " table "." table "_datecreated IS 'Date created'; COMMENT ON COLUMN " table "." table "_datemodified IS 'Date modified'; COMMENT ON COLUMN " table "." table "_usercreated IS 'User created'; COMMENT ON COLUMN " table "." table "_usermodified IS 'User modified'; COMMENT ON COLUMN " table "." table "_hid IS 'HID'; COMMENT ON COLUMN " table "." table "_name IS 'Name'; COMMENT ON COLUMN " table "." table "_title IS 'Title'; COMMENT ON COLUMN " table "." table "_description IS 'Description'; COMMENT ON COLUMN " table "." table "_IS ''; CREATE UNIQUE INDEX " table "_index ON " table " ( " table "_weekend ); INSERT INTO meta_fields VALUES ('" table "','" table "_description','widget','area(rows=10,cols=60)'); INSERT INTO meta_fields VALUES ('" table "','" table "_datecreated','widget','readonly'); INSERT INTO meta_fields VALUES ('" table "','" table "_datemodified','widget','readonly'); INSERT INTO meta_fields VALUES ('" table "','" table "_usercreated','widget','readonly'); INSERT INTO meta_fields VALUES ('" table "','" table "_usermodified','widget','readonly'); INSERT INTO meta_fields VALUES ('" table "','" table "_','hide_list','1'); -- INSERT INTO " table " (" table "_name) VALUES (''); -- INSERT INTO meta_tables VALUES ('" table "', 'hide', '1'); -- Triggers -- For Date Modified CREATE TRIGGER " table "_moddatetime BEFORE UPDATE ON " table " FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE moddatetime(" table "_datemodified); -- For User Modified CREATE TRIGGER insert_username_" table " BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE ON " table " FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE insert_username(" table "_usermodified); -- List view /* DROP VIEW " table "_list; CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW " table "_list AS SELECT " table "_id, " table "_name FROM " table " ORDER BY " table "_id DESC; COMMENT ON VIEW " table "_list IS '" (capitalize table) "'; COMMENT ON COLUMN " table "_list." table "_id IS 'ID'; COMMENT ON COLUMN " table "_list." table "_name IS 'Name'; */ } );")