
On 28 Mar 09, Eraldo Helal wrote:
> If I create it with my remember template however...
>       ("inbox" ?i "* %^{topic}%i\n:LOGBOOK:\n- Created: %U from
> %a\n:END:\n%?" "inbox.org" "stuff")
> then it is all the way in the left margin (first char)
> and it does not move when the headline does (promote|demote)
> Any idea how I can get my remember template to make the LOGBOOK and enter
> the creation date there while keeping the default behavior?

Intend the LOGBOOK-Drawer in your template with two spaces:

("inbox" ?i "* %^{topic}%i\n  :LOGBOOK:\n  - Created: %U from %a\n  :END:\n%?"
"inbox.org" "stuff")

This template creates a level two headline in inbox.org like this:

* stuff
** <your topic>
   - Created <timestamp> from <link>
<your description>

So the LOGBOOK-Drawer is placed exactly if it would be if created by
changing a todo state (and behaves so). The "\n" is a escape sequence that 
stands for RET.


  -- David
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