Joseph Vidal-Rosset <> writes:

> Le   jeu.   07/04/19   juil.   2019    à   07:44:08   ,   John   Kitchin
> <> a envoyé ce message:
>> I don't think org-ref is responsible, except that it installs pdf-tools. 
>> When I click on a link like 
>> [[./2019-07-04.pdf]] it opens in acrobat for me.
>> I don't have anything fancy
>> org-file-apps is a variable defined in `org.el'.
>> Its value is
>> ((auto-mode . emacs) ("\\.mm\\'" . default) ("\\.x?html?\\'" . default)
>>  ("\\.pdf\\'" . default))
>> which I guess means on osx that it gets opened with "open".
>> It looks like you can do this
>> #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
>> (setf (cdr (assoc "\\.pdf\\'" org-file-apps)) "evince %s")
>> #+END_SRC
>> to make it open in evince.
> Dear John,
> Thanks for  your reply. In  fact my problem is  only at the  moment with
> pdf links  in gnus, not  in usual org files.  (Maybe I should  switch for
> mu4e, but I  hesitate and I would be  happy to find a tutorial  to do it
> with gmail.)
> I    have    solved    temporarily    the   problem    with    eimp    :
> and the pdf in emacs are now more easily readable for me. 
> Best wishes, and again, to Colin and to you, many thanks. 

My guess is the problem is with doc-view mode and possibly guns setup. I
had a similar issue some years back, but cannot quite remember how I
resolved it. My problem was that I had elisp I wrote which would use
external viewers for various document types (e.g. word doc, pdf, etc),
but when I tried to use it, Emacs would jump in the middle and use
docView mode to display it inside emacs itself.

>From memroy, the basic fix was to turn off doc-view-mode (posibly check
out the customization group). With respect to gnus (and other mailers),
most of them include some sort of variable which sets which mime types
can be displayed internally. If you don't want to completely disable
doc-view-mode, you should be able to change this setting to say that
PDFs are tro be displayed externally using whatever program is
associated with that mime type.



Tim Cross

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