
How do you send a list of elements from a table, including blank cells, to an elisp function?

I have the table below with points on exam questions in columns 2-4. The second row contains the maximum number of points for each question. The student rows contain the actual points received. I want to compute the maximum possible sum for a student, to be updated while I grade the questions.

I have written an elisp function that takes two lists as arguments and does the necessary computations. However, the standard selection argument ignores blank elements. In the function call below, the function will receive the (fontified) lists '("3" "4") '("6" "4" "6") and '("6" "2") '("6" "4" "6"), respectively. I need a selection where each blank element is kept as, e.g., fontified "". Thus, I would like the function to receive '("3" "4" "") '("6" "4" "6"), etc.

Is that possible?

Have tried google and the org manual to no avail.

|           | Q1| Q2| Q3|     | Max |
|           | 6 | 4 | 6 | Sum | Sum |
| Student 1 | 3 | 4 |   |   7 |  13 |
| Student 2 | 6 |   | 2 |   8 |  12 |
#+TBLFM: @3$6..@>$6='(sum-with-defaults '(@0$2..@0$4) '(@2$2..@2$4)))

/Niclas Börlin
Niclas Borlin, PhD                  email: niclas.bor...@cs.umu.se
Department of Computing Science     phone: +46 (0)90-786 68 32
Umea University                       fax: +46 (0)90-580 14
SE-901 87 Umea, SWEDEN            lat/long: 63.49 N, 20.19 E

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