I have the following example of a org file #+begin_solution The result is as follows #+begin_src matlab :results output raw :exports results :eval never-export l=0.33; mypois=poisspdf(0,l); myres=1-poisspdf(0,l)-poisspdf(1,l); disp('\begin{align*}') fprintf('P(X\\geq 1)&=1-P(X=0)-P(X=1)=1- %g \\\\\n', mypois) fprintf('P(X\\geq 1)&= %g \n', myres) disp('\end{align*}') l=1/3; mypois=poisspdf(0,l); myres=1-poisspdf(0,l)-poisspdf(1,l); disp('\begin{align*}') fprintf('P(X\\geq 2)&=1-P(X=0)=1- %g \\\\\n', mypois) fprintf('P(X\\geq 2)&= %g \n', myres) disp('\end{align*}') #+end_src #+RESULTS: \begin{align*} P(X\geq 1)&=1-P(X=0)-P(X=1)=1- 0.718924 \\ P(X\geq 1)&= 0.0438314 \end{align*} \begin{align*} P(X\geq 2)&=1-P(X=0)=1- 0.716531 \\ P(X\geq 2)&= 0.0446249 \end{align*} \begin{align*} P(X\geq 1)&=1-P(X=0)-P(X=1)=1- 0.718924 \\ P(X\geq 1)&= 0.0438314 \end{align*} \begin{align*} P(X\geq 2)&=1-P(X=0)=1- 0.716531 \\ P(X\geq 2)&= 0.283469 \end{align*} #+end_solution That is exported to \begin{solution} The result is as follows \begin{align*} P(X\geq 1)&=1-P(X=0)-P(X=1)=1- 0.718924 \\ P(X\geq 1)&= 0.0438314 \end{align*} \begin{align*} P(X\geq 2)&=1-P(X=0)=1- 0.716531 \\ P(X\geq 2)&= 0.0446249 \end{align*} \begin{align*} P(X\geq 1)&=1-P(X=0)-P(X=1)=1- 0.718924 \\ P(X\geq 1)&= 0.0438314 \end{align*} \begin{align*} P(X\geq 2)&=1-P(X=0)=1- 0.716531 \\ P(X\geq 2)&= 0.283469 \end{align*} \end{solution} \end{document} But I would like to have \begin{solution}[5cm] How can I pass that parameter when exporting? Thanks Regards Uwe Brauer