Hi Nathan, I think I have a starting point for you:
---------------------- (defun ag/org-add-note-to-last-entry () "Add a note to the main agenda file under the latest visited heading (untested in case the org buffer is not available)" (interactive) (let ((buffer (car (org-buffer-list 'files 't)))) (with-current-buffer buffer (org-add-note) (message "%S" (concat "Adding note in heading: " (fifth (org-heading-components))))))) ----------------------- This function adds a note to the last heading you were editing before switching file. It is limited to the first file in your "org-buffer-list" (so does not work if you have multiple org files from which you generate your agenda). I imagine you could extend this by choosing the file that has a clock open (i.e., you need to change the "buffer" binding accordingly), move to the clocked heading (i.e., add some logic before "org-add-note") and pointing to the subheading (i.e., again adding some logic before "org-add-note"). Hope this gives you a lead. Best, Andrea