These are all great. I am struggling to some extent through the docs for all these tools. Eric, for the most part I'm very happy with graphviz & plantufml but I would be interested in trying latex as well. Since I'm mostly exporting to html and its derivatives (markdown mostly), I don't think epxort blocks work for my purposes. I thought that a latex src block with :exports results would work, but rather than a rendered graph I end up with a .png of the latex instructions themselves. Here's what I am trying:
#+begin_src latex :exports results :file latex-dh.png \begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=4cm,minimum size=2cm] \node[draw,fill=blue!20!white] (humanities) {Humanities}; \node[draw,fill=blue!20!white] (tools) [right of=humanities] {\parbox{3cm}{Computing \\ Tools and \\ Methodologies}} edge [->,out=270,in=270,very thick,red] (humanities) edge [<-,out=90,in=90,very thick,red] (humanities); \end{tikzpicture} #+end_src Can you see my error and/or reproduce the issue? Thanks all of you! On Tue, May 7, 2019 at 7:25 AM Fraga, Eric <> wrote: > On Monday, 6 May 2019 at 14:17, Matt Price wrote: > > So, I'm finding more and more that I want to include simple diagrams in > my > > course materials. At present I am generating them as svg's using > Inkscape, > > but that feels really tiresome to me. I would much rather make them > > programmatically, preferably including the source code as an org-mode > block. > > You have had recommendations for graphviz (dot etc.) and plantuml > already. Those are very good suggestions and I use them all the > time. For more general drawings, and given that you want something > programmatic, I would also suggest tikz (in LaTeX) as it's very powerful > (but then harder to do some simple things that graphiz/plantuml will do > very easily). > > #+begin_export latex > \begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=4cm,minimum size=2cm] > \node[draw,fill=blue!20!white] (humanities) {Humanities}; > \node[draw,fill=blue!20!white] (tools) [right of=humanities] > {\parbox{3cm}{Computing \\ Tools and \\ Methodologies}} > edge [->,out=270,in=270,very thick,red] (humanities) > edge [<-,out=90,in=90,very thick,red] (humanities); > \end{tikzpicture} > #+end_export > > -- > Eric S Fraga via Emacs 27.0.50, Org release_9.2.3-327-g3375f0 >