On Wed, Mar 25, 2009 at 2:21 AM, David Thole wrote:
  > Hey all,
  > I was thinking a bit about my workflow with org-mode, and I'm thinking
  > that I should change up a bit of how I'm doing stuff. Basically what I do
  > now is use org-mode for my GTD stuff (that is, ticket management, notes
  > about tickets, etc), and then use muse mode for other stuff.
  > Right now my structure is:
  > ris.org = my tickets specific to work
  > work.org = my work tasks that aren't tickets
  > home.org = my home tasks
  > The problem I have now is that I use muse-mode for project notes, which
  > can be on multiple machines sometimes. So the agenda itself loads those
  > three org files to display the ris/work/home tasks, and I use follow mode
  > and add a few notes here and there to the tickets, (ris.org files that
  > is).

I am sorry but I did not understand your problem.  May be you would be
better off keeping your notes in org mode as well (unless there is a
more compelling reason to the contrary.)

  > So really my curious workflow questions are:
  > * Ticket information - SQL statement, code, etc..that can get pretty
  > verbose. Is a drawer OK for that? How do others handle that information

I would prefer folding it using a list item or may be a sub-heading.

  > * Meeting notes - would another org file be useful for that? If I
  > want to publish the file into something that could have a TOC and
  > all that...I don't know how to explain this better, I kinda want
  > something to be able to view this through a browser
  > sometimes. *shrug* some ideas on this would be helpful

How about selecting and publishing only the region?

  > * Organization - Could I organize things more efficiently? Thinking
  > of maybe using properties drawer a bit more.

I would suggest noticing where you have to spend most of your
attention and key strokes etc. and may be then optimize that.  Try
using tags more; they are almost magical with fast filtering.


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