I have org-mode set up at the moment to log changes in my TODO states (at
the moment, TODO, CHASE, GAVE, KILL, DONE) as well as deadline changes and
reschedules into a logbook drawer. That's working great.

However, I have begun using org-contacts as an ersatz CRM for myself and
keeping track of mails, meets, and other administrivia tracking people I'm
interacting with.

I'd love to have a way to as easily use something CTRL-C-T and then have
the ability to log an item into a Logbook drawer under each heading name.

Is there a way to do this easily without hacking TODO states? Or are there
other ways people are doing this to achieve the same goal (I'm also hoping
to set PING deadlines on people so that I am making sure to recontact them
at various intervals over time, but still trying to puzzle that out... =]

Would love to know what other people have done with this that is
lightweight and practical.


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