On Mar 25, 2009, at 2:06 PM, Robert D. Crawford wrote:

Hello Carsten,

Carsten Dominik <carsten.domi...@gmail.com> writes:

Unfortunately I do not know about a variable that does hold the
title of a page in w3.  In w3m there is w3m-current-title.
In w3, all I was able to find is the URL via

   (org-view-url t)

If anyone knows the magic incantation to extract the page
title in a w3 buffer, I'd be happy to make it the default
for the link description.

The way this is implemented in emacspeak and in bmk-mgr is to use the
buffer-name.  As far as I know that is the only way to get the current
title from w3.  IIRC, I implemented this in emacspeak and I know I did
it in bmk-mgr.  I assume that if Dr. Raman signed off it can't be too

I have just tried a few pages including orgmode.org, and
the buffer name is "Untitled".  Am I using an old version of w3,
or if orgmode.org broken in this way?

- Carsten

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