example of commandeering that mechanism would be to create notes in this format:

***** CONVERSATION [2019-03-26 Tue 15:05] what is in rice noodles

On 3/26/19, Samuel Wales <samolog...@gmail.com> wrote:
> nothing is built into org for this.
> you would have to define the mapping from the entry to the logbook.
> or you could specify one entry to be your global logbook.
> you might be thinking of
> org-default-notes-file is a variable defined in `org.el'.
> Original value was "~/.notes"
> that is unrelated to logbook.  however, you could commandeer that
> mechanism if you wanted.
> the word notes is used ambiguously.
> On 3/26/19, Lawrence Bottorff <borg...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> So I can add a logbook entry to my org file with C-c C-z and it goes into
>> a
>> logbook drawer on that file. Is there a way to associate that entry with
>> an
>> external file? That is, can I have all logbook entries automatically be
>> written to, say, a logbook.org file. Or, is there a quick way to simply
>> tangle out all logbook entries?
>> Isn't there something similar with a notes.org file?
>> LB
> --
> The Kafka Pandemic
> What is misopathy?
> https://thekafkapandemic.blogspot.com/2013/10/why-some-diseases-are-wronged.html
> The disease DOES progress. MANY people have died from it. And ANYBODY
> can get it at any time.

The Kafka Pandemic

What is misopathy?

The disease DOES progress. MANY people have died from it. And ANYBODY
can get it at any time.

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