
Suppose I have 
* Overview

** Introduction :StatNum:
 <2019-01-29 Tue> 
** Theory of everything :StatNum:
<2019-01-31 Thu>                                                 

Then org-insert-dblock inserts (using column view)
#+BEGIN: columnview :hlines 1 :id local
| TIMESTAMP    | ITEM                 |
|              | Overview             |
| <2019-01-29 Tue> | Introduction         |
| <2019-01-31 Thu> | Theory of everything |

Which is precisely what I want.

However I'd prefer to have the time stamp in the item title and the
phrase below such as:

* Overview 2

**  <2019-01-29 Tue> :StatNum:
** <2019-01-31 Thu>                                                 
Theory of everything :StatNum:

But then org-insert-dblock produces
#+BEGIN: columnview :hlines 1 :id local
| TIMESTAMP    | ITEM         |
|              | Overview 2   |
| <2019-01-29 Tue> | <2019-01-29 Tue> |
| <2019-01-31 Thu> | <2019-01-31 Thu> |

Which is not what I want. 

Is there any way to configure org-insert-dblock the way I want?


Uwe Brauer 

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