I know pandoc is not the Org reference implementation, but digging into this 
further I noticed that pandoc exports a^{b} from Org to LaTeX the way I 
expected/hoped Org would:

$ echo "a^{b}" | pandoc -f Org -t latex


On 2018-12-17 at 14:21 -0800, Ken Mankoff <mank...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> This file:
> Math mode: a\(^{b}\)
> Non-math mode: a^{b}
> What I'd like: a\textsuperscript{b}
> Is exported to this LaTeX code:
> Math mode: a\(^{b}\)
> Non-math mode: a\(^{\text{b}}\)
> What I'd like: a\textsuperscript{b}
> When viewing a PDF from that LaTeX source, the first (Math mode) appears 
> correct. The second (non-math) appears correct in the PDF, but I'm not sure 
> it is in the LaTeX source. The third looks correct.
> A more severe end-product appearance issue comes downstream. I find Pandoc 
> generates better ODT and DOCX files than Org when the inputs are complicated. 
> When viewing a DOCX generated from the above LaTeX with:
> $ pandoc -f LaTeX -i foo.tex -t DOCX -o foo.docx foo.tex
> there is a more serious issue: The b power is not attached to the a, so there 
> is an empty box and it looks like this (where ^b is actually raised as a 
> superscript):  a[]^b. Or see attached screenshot.
> I've tried toggling #+OPTIONS ^:{} and ^:nil but it doesn't solve this. It 
> seems to me like a^b should export as a\textsuperscript{b}. Do others agree? 
> Or is this a pandoc bug I should be raising in that project?
> Thanks,
>   -k.

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