Hi there, I’ve written code based on Org mode to generate Open Educational Resources (OER, learning material under free licenses, typically variants of Creative Commons), which include figures with proper license attribution (source, author, license) [1]. If you ever wanted to publish OER yourself, you are probably aware of the hassle of doing that properly as figures usually do not embed license information, which needs to be obtained and annotated separately.
Currently, I use Org macros to embed figures, e.g.: #+BEGIN_SRC org {{{reveallicense("./figures/org/jitt/JiTT-Java-MX.meta","33vh","figure fragment appear")}}} #+END_SRC The meta file in the first argument uses an ad-hoc text format, embedding a path for the figure along with licensing information inspired by standard metadata vocabularies, e.g.: #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp ((filename . "./figures/org/jitt/JiTT-Java-MX.png") (licenseurl . "https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/") (licensetext . "CC BY-SA 4.0") (cc:attributionName . "Jens Lechtenbörger") (cc:attributionURL . "https://gitlab.com/lechten") (dc:source . "https://gitlab.com/oer/figures/blob/master/org/jitt/JiTT-Java-MX.org") (sourcetext . "GitLab") (dc:title . "Improved Java MX understanding") (texwidth . 0.9) ) #+END_SRC Currently, export to LaTeX (and, thus, PDF) and reveal.js (HTML with RDFa) are supported (templates and the essential function reveal-export-attribution are in [2]). The above macro uses eval, whose syntax differs between released Org mode versions and the master branch, which implies that I need to reconsider my approach. Any ideas or interest how such functionality could be integrated into Org mode in general? Best wishes Jens [1] https://gitlab.com/oer/emacs-reveal [2] https://gitlab.com/oer/emacs-reveal/blob/master/reveal-config.el