> You need `(require 'org-tempo)', then

   > #+begin_src emacs-lisp
   >     (tempo-define-template "org-display-bib"
   >                       '("bibliographystyle:plain" n
"bibliography:/home/oub/texmf/bibtex/bib/bibgraf.bib"  p n)
   >                       "<b" "Insert bib" 'org-tempo-tags)
   > #+end_src

Thanks that works like charm.  However I have some more templates of
the form so I tried 

#+begin_src emacs-lisp

(tempo-define-template "org-display-bib"
                           '("bibliographystyle:plain" n
"bibliography:/home/oub/texmf/bibtex/bib/bibgraf.bib"  p n)
                           "<b" "Insert bib" 'org-tempo-tags)

(tempo-define-template "org-display-comentario"
                       '("* Comentarios Hoja ?" n
                         "| Documentación codigo | Explicación código | 
Ficheros matlab | Fichero MLX | Impresión |" p n
 p n
                         "|                      |                    |         
        |             |           |" p n)
                           "<c" "Insert comentario" 'org-tempo-tags)


But the second template to be expanded with <c does not work.

What do I miss?


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