On Thursday, 25 Oct 2018 at 08:24, Tim Cross wrote: > Likewise, started with Emacs 19 and I still have some code which I added > back then in my init!
[...] > The two big benefits from the clean up have been much faster start up > (something which never really bothered me as I run emacs for weeks > without re-starting anyway) and far more predictable behaviour when I > try out or add a new mode (I often found my custom tweaks would not > always work well with new modes etc). The second of these is indeed a benefit of cleaning up initialization files. I have been doing so, in any case, just at a slower pace than I should. I actually have been doing exactly what you suggest: using org and tangling. -- Eric S Fraga via Emacs 27.0.50, Org release_9.1.13-894-gf79545