On Mon, Sep 24, 2018 at 10:02 PM jiewuza <jiew...@163.com> wrote:
> OMG, it is my fault.
> I used `C-c C-e l p`
> My screen is too small.
> I just saw the the `p` key.
> And I thought maybe beamer and latex share the same key now in the new
> orgmode exporter. LOL

We've all been there, but I wouldn't call it a LOL. People took time
to speculate on what the issue might be, and to try to help you. Eric
specifically mentioned the upper case P and you said "Yes, that is
exactly what I did." Now you are saying you thought they might share
the same key and pressed 'p' after all.

I had just created a minimal config and tested the export myself when
this email came through. What I *would* have said was "People can't
troubleshoot what they can't see." The list gets all kinds of weird,
odd issues (including from me, and including goofs just like this).
The tried and true practice is a minimal configuration and a test file
of some sort. Pasting what you *think* is the only beamer related
config (on the heels of citing spacemacs, which could have all sorts
of stuff potentially conflicting options) doesn't count, as we can't
see for sure what is going on. Minimal config, run `emacs -Q`, then
`M-x load-file RET path/to/min-config`, then try your stuff.

Follow that practice and I assure you, the extra work on your part
will drastically cut down on the back and forth with the list,
resulting in getting to the real work/fun much faster!
- https://orgmode.org/manual/Feedback.html

Glad it worked out,

> Eric S Fraga <esfli...@gmail.com> writes:
> > On Monday, 24 Sep 2018 at 15:49, jiewuza wrote:
> >> I used orgmode to prepare my lecture materials.
> >> Now I upgrade org to the latest version, and read the [[new
> >> exporter][https://orgmode.org/worg/exporters/ox-overview.html]].
> >>
> >> It seems the configure is much easier.
> >> But I cannot get my lectures right after all my efforts.
> >>
> >> So I start all over. I removed all my beamer configure.
> >> With the [[beamer
> >> example][https://orgmode.org/manual/A-Beamer-example.html]], I get a pdf
> >> (see attachment) like a latex article, no beamer frame.
> >
> > How did you export?  You should choose the beamer options, as in
> >
> >     C-c C-e l P
> >
> > to create PDF using beamer. Note upper case P. If you want to open the file 
> > as
> > well, use O instead of P (again upper case). Lower case equivalents are for
> > normal LaTeX article class (by default).

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