I've given TaskWarrior a try this weekend it's actually quite nice. The advantage it has over org is that it's more suitable for a gtd(ish) system out-of-the-box, you don't need to tinker with anything and the reports are great.
Integrating TaskWarrior with orgmode might make sense. My idea is that in addition to what it already does, TaskWarrior could be used as a capture tool for org, meaning TW tasks could be stored in a an org file, using the org format. This way, if you don't want to tinker with org to make it more suitable for GTD, you can just use TW for what it is good at, and org for what it's better at (taking notes for the tasks, etc) and you can even mix-and-match, sometimes using org or sometimes TW from the CLI, both sharing the same org text file. Do you think such an integration would make sense? - Marcelo.