On Wednesday, 5 Sep 2018 at 08:40, Matt Price wrote: > I've just started enabling orgalist in message-mode, and it's awesome. > However, I'm getting very frequent variable binding depth errors, possibly
[...] > maybe some of theseshould be turned off! my init files are a bit of a mess > aright now. Anyway, any thoughts on how I might start debugging; and also > are other people seeing the same issue? I've not seen this error and I've been using orgalist for some time now. My message buffer is probably vanilla... I use gnus. I do seem to have a few less minor modes than you. Full list here: Enabled minor modes: Abbrev Auto-Composition Auto-Compression Auto-Dictionary Auto-Encryption Auto-Fill Beacon Column-Number Diff-Auto-Refine Display-Line-Numbers Display-Time Electric-Indent Evil Evil-Local File-Name-Shadow Flx-Ido Flyspell Font-Lock Global-Aggressive-Indent Global-Auto-Revert Global-Eldoc Global-Font-Lock Global-Undo-Tree Gnus-Message-Citation Hl-Line Ido-Everywhere Line-Number Mml Mouse-Wheel Narrow Orgalist Pabbrev Recentf Save-Place Shell-Dirtrack Tooltip Transient-Mark Undo-Tree Which-Key -- Eric S Fraga via Emacs 27.0.50, Org release_9.1.13-783-g97fac4